Prioritized Labels
Other Labels
  • Investigating
    You are currently looking into a bug or report
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer
  • In-Progress
    You are currently working on a item/ task
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer
  • Feature Request
    A feature that has been requested by a client/ stakeholder
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer
  • Feature
    A feature that is planned and has been approved
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer
  • Complete
    The item/ task has been completed
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer
  • Bug
    A bug in the system
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer
  • Blocked/ On hold
    You are blocked in fixing this issue/ new feature
    Snaju Open Source Software / RivenWorldsDedicatedServer